Visual Considerations

Color Contrast


To check color contrast online, use the WebAIM contrast checker.

WebAIM color checker

Chrome DevTools

Did you know the Chrome DevTools come with a built-in accessibility color checker?

DevTools color checker

Colors and forms

An important consideration for colorblind users is making sure that color isn't the only way users can tell if there is an error with the form. For example, a red ring is not enough. Consider adding an icon or an error label.

WebAIM color recommendation

Visual Impairments

To simulate a number of visual impairments on any website, check out NoCoffee for Firefox

NoCoffee simulator

Proximity of notifications from what you're doing

Helps neurological and also low vision (another curb cut example)

Setting the language

Remember to set the lang attribute both on the top level html tag as well as any sections where the language deviates from it.

WebAIM language recommendations

Fix markup errors

Although it won't always have a user facing effect, it is recommended that you find and fix and validation or parsing errors in your HTML.

WebAIM markup criteria


Prefers Reduced Motion

Users can set a "prefers reduced motion" setting in their operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) and we can read that setting in CSS and swap out animations with more subtle effects.

This is important both as a preference and also to avoid causing issues for users who may suffer from seizures.

WebAIM seizure recommendations

The code


          <div class="animation">animated box</div>


          .animation {
            animation: pulse 1s linear infinite both;
          @media (prefers-reduced-motion) {
            .animation {
              animation-name: dissolve;

All Together

reduced motion demo

Prefers Color Scheme

Another amazing API is one that allows us to detect if the user prefers a "light" or "dark" colorscheme.

The Code


          <div class="wrapper">


          @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
            .wrapper {
              background: black;

          @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
            .wrapper {
              background: white;

Exercise 5

Let's read and set dark mode for our website in exercise 5.